Ephesians 5:1,2
Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children;
and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you,
and gave Himself up for us,
an offering and sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma.
I love the smell of fresh laundry, especially if it’s been hanging all day in the breeze soaking up the sunshine on a clothes line!Unfortunately not too long after, the clothes become soiled,
the sheets need changed, and the towels need cleaned.
The scent I love never seems to last long enough.As I walk in the love of Christ, whether in my attitude, my actions or in my faith, it is my hope that I give off an aroma that others will notice and find pleasing.
As my impatience, reactions and weaknesses get in the way,
I gain a “whiff” of my own disobedience and realize I no longer reflect the love of Jesus.It is at this moment that I seek God and ask to be cleansed once more.
Amazingly, Jesus never loses His fragrant aroma for His sacrifice is covered with the blood He has shed for us!
When we accept Jesus Christ, we accept His forgiveness and we are covered by the fragrant aroma of His sacrifice.
As I ponder the thought of Almighty God looking at me,
I imagine Jesus standing in front of me covering me with His hands stretched out wide.His grace and mercy covers me removing every imperfection, every sin,
and replaces it with His righteousness,
in essence I am redeemed.So today, I encourage you, together let us put on the love of Jesus Christ and as we “get in the way” of imitating Christ in our actions,
let us … stop, repent and desire the aroma that only Jesus can offer!
Very well put!!! This will be a reminder to me as I do laundry!!! Thanks!!
I love your perspective!! Thank you for blessing me and all of us with your blog. So many times I let ME get in the way of being who God wants me to be! I also need to be laundered in His perfectness just as much as I do laundry!
Psalm 51:10 “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me!”
My constant prayer as I come to Jesus!