Often as we grow older we forget the simple truths that we have learned over the years. One such truth comes back to me time and time again.
My children are grown now but I remember one summer in particular. They were both in their elementary age years just beginning in their faith journey. Wanting to stress the importance of God’s Word, I cut out scripture cards. Being somewhat of a perfectionist, I never seem to make any project simple. So after decorating the cards, highlighting the various verbs, cutting them out and laminating them, they were finally ready to be hung with purpose on my refrigerator. Agreed, a bit overkill.
It began as a simple lesson for my two young ones but turned into a life changing routine for myself.
Philippians 4:8 & 9 “Finally brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worth of praise, let your mind dwell on these things. The things you have leaned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things; and the God of peace shall be with you.”
My cards were taped with pride to the front of my fridge. The simple choices did not apply, but the decisions that fell into the “gray” areas of our life brought this process front and center. “Can we watch this movie?” “Is this word okay to say?” … you get the idea. Choices about how we treated others, motives and actions, movies or books as well as how we interacted within our family were all at the scrutiny of this verse that God so thought provokingly placed in our home.
God’s Word became came the “plumb line” {a tool used for determining whether or not something is perfectly vertical i.e. “upright} that we measured our actions and thoughts against. This may seem an obvious truth, however the action involved with it is less endearing.
Choosing to give up something you enjoy, desire or consider borderline because it is not God’s best is difficult. But the choice to do so has brought great peace in my own life while the choice not to has often brought turmoil. Even today as I watch a movie or ponder a conversation, I keep this verse in mind.
Recently I have picked up on watching a television show that I truly enjoy. It is not blatantly bad, but the undertone would press hard against this verse. It has been a difficult decision that I have struggled with as I place God’s Word as a “plumb line” among my own desires. In my heart I know the right answer, but my actions to abandon this “earthly” pleasure have been slow to follow. You may find yourself in a similar situation.
All I know is this … God’s Word is truth. Together we can take His wisdom and choose to apply it or disregard it. Isn’t our God amazing that He offers His wisdom and allows us to freely choose its acceptance? Some days I think not, as it have been to my own demise when I have chosen badly.
But I press on, knowing that as I do, God’s grace and mercy stand firmly beside me walking through the choices in my life bringing me that much closer to becoming more like Him.
Thank you Lori. …I did smile when I read about your ‘simple’ verse project for the summer. . .that didn’t surprise me at all! This was a good reminder for me.
Thank you.
Thanks Renee! Funny how a simple verse changes you in major ways! …. Its truth still chipping away at me. After I wrote this I chose to do something contrary to what this verse said … I was so disappointed that I failed so quickly. God gently reminds me that He is the only perfect one. So I ask for forgiveness and push forward hoping that today might be the day without mistakes (said sarcastically). One day it will … how great will that be when we are with Jesus!